
Sunday 24 November 2013

Advert Inspiration

For my inspiration, I looked at a range of pictures and videos. These include Cadbury's past adverts, pictures of the impossible becoming possible, picture's symbolising magic and different types of stop motion videos which includes adverts. 

Mood Board on Pinterest

Thursday 7 November 2013

Domo and Frog Experimentation

As another part of our experiments with stop motion, we learnt how to animate the mouth so that our characters looked like they were speaking. We did this by using cut outs of different mouth shapes which symbolise a different phonetical sound and movement of the mouth. 

In our video we created a conversation between two different characters. What went well in the making of this animation was that we were able to make the sound and the mouth movement become synchronised which means that it looked as though the character was saying the exact sounds and words. It was an effective technique because it created a sense that the character is real and it also engages the audience much more. Also, our speed of the frame rates were effective as it created a persistance of vision allowing the eye to think the images were moving. There was a constant flow within the animation and no visible jerks.

What didn't go so well in the making of this animation was that, we were not able to finish the conversation footage. This was due to us making the conversation too long therefore we didn't have enough time to finish. Which if we were able to do it again we would make the conversation shorter or allow for more time, this would enable us to have a full animated video. Furthermore, if we were able to do it again we would have made the eyes blink as it would have created a more realistic feel towards the characters and a more personality.