
Wednesday 8 January 2014

Analysing Our Cadbury Advert and Feedback

After showing the Cadbury's advert to a small selection of my target audience and I asked them on their feedback on what they thought of the advert. I did this through creating a survey and an interview. The feedback which was received was mostly positive and were given contracted criticism which meant that if we were going to do it again we can improve it to make it better for our target audience.

As you can see from the graph 100% of our target audience said that the advert symbolised the Cadbury Brand and our interviewee said we did this in the advert by " fitting with the randomness of the brand and the colour scheme of purple which links to Cadbury ". When doing the research of previous Cadbury adverts and looking at the book 'Purple Cadbury Reign: The story behind the chocolate's best brand' the randomness and the colour purple were key features which made their adverts cadbury therefore i wanted to include it. 

Another advertising technique which we wanted to incorporate was making the advert memorable so we found out from our questionnaire which part of the advert was their favourite part "The butter trailing on the floor" and "Door's opening", these moments to them would be the most memorable so when thinking of Cadbury they would think of those moments which they saw within the advert. The Cadbury brand is represented not just through the colour or the randomness but also through Milk. From looking at previous adverts the milk was a empathised in each advert so we had the make the milk stand out from the rest, which we did but only one person said "milk pouring" therefore if was going to change or re-do the advert I would make the milk much more memorable as it is a key part of the cadbury brand.

One of other aims for the advert was to create a sense of realism to our advert by adding sound effects to each object also adding background music to make it seem upbeat and circus theme. We achieved this as 100% of our results said yes to the music and sound effect adding to the atmosphere to the advert and also, our interviewee said "I liked the music as it flowed and the sound effects fitted the objects and made it seem realistic".

I asked this question because I felt to make an effective stop motion piece I would need to include most of the 12 principles of animation to make it an effective piece. All principles of animation where ticked which were surprising as i feel we didn't use all of them. The highest result was staging this links to the graph as from the graph below 80% of the people answered set designs were suited to the advert.  Therefore we used the principles of staging effectively. We also used the principles of timing effectively as the stop motion animation flowed without it being jittery. However if I was to change or re-do the advert I would improve on the principles of solid drawings and secondary action to make the advert effective.

Our objects which we used within our advert were made out of clay so we could make them as detailed as possible therefore we asked the question to whether they were clear to our audience on the advert. Just over half of our results said our objects were clear but there was still 20% saying it was satisfactory also our interviewee said "Majority were clear and understandable but one or two weren’t clear". Furthermore from looking at the question below, 5 of the responses replied saying we need to improve on the clarity of our objects. Therefore if I was to improve my advert, I would make sure that each objects being shown would be clear so the viewer could understand what the object was. 

 I asked our audience this question 'What could we do to improve the advert?' so if we were going to change part of the advert we could make it better and it would attract more viewers. One of the responses we received said "Maybe the advert was a little bit too long as the Cadbury adverts are usually short" therefore within changing my advert we would make it shorter by getting rid of some objects this would mean that the advert would be shorter but much more memorable just like a previous Cadbury advert. Another response I received was "Light up some of the objects a bit as some were quiet dark and unable to see clearly". Due to working with torches it was difficult to make sure the lighting was suitable as a result we would change the way the set was lighted and not use torches in the future as they are not a very reliable source of light. Our interviewee said " Light up the overall objects better so it makes it clearer and the camera focus on the hat was a little bit out and the chocolate bar at the end". From this information it make it clear that we need to make sure that the camera is in focus so the clarity of the objects, hat, lighting and the overall shot is understandable and visible to the audience.

I have compared my advert to a previous Cadbury advert which is called 'Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations'. Within the previous Cadbury advert it draws more attention to the product than the brand whereas in my advert we were trying to get across the brand of cadburys not the product. The 'Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations' also gets across the personality of fun, enjoyable and happy through flying in on swings this means when you eat the product you will enjoy it and make you happy. But in our advert we wanted to show that the Cadbury brand makes up everyone so we included objects which symbolise different people, but also the personality of fun, enjoyable and happy which we did through setting in a circus and having a magician act. Just like most of the Cadbury advert they are very exaggerated and un-realistic so we used this technique of theirs by adding in objects which we would not go into a chocolate bar for example a teddy bear. Each object would have a sound effect which would make the advert much more exaggerated linking it to previous cadbury adverts. Another similarity between our adverts is that they both use the colour of purple which is significantly linked to Cadbury, we used the colour purple as our set background colour whereas, in the 'Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations' it was everywhere for examples costumes, titled flooring and the bowl. Therefore if we were going to change our advert I would make the colour purple stand out more showing the link to Cadburys.

I have also compared my advert to an advertising book called 'The Media: An introduction' which told me about key elements when creating an advert. One of the key elements which they told to use to advertise well is to 'Advertising was made to create and sustain brand loyalty' which we have done by keeping the milk, colour and the personality of Cadbury throughout the advert. Another point the book told me was 'colour attracts audience members' therefore within we used a range of bright colours for example orange, blue and light purple which makes the objects stand out from the background and the red carpet. Finally they also suggest on using popular song to target younger age groups, which could be something we could change within the advert to gain more consumers from the younger age groups. 

From comparing my advert to advertising books, comparing to a previous cadbury advert, questionnaire results and from an interview I would to improve my advert would make the objects much visible so the audience understands what they are, use a different source of lighting so it makes the set much clearer to see, make the key element of milk stand out much more so they can relate it to Cadbury's and make sure the camera shot is in focus.