
Sunday 29 September 2013

Flip Book - Hand drawn animation - Experimental

As a part my unit, I will use a range of different stop motion techniques to see which one I prefer. On this video that I have created, I used hand drawn animation to create a flip book. This means that I had to draw every movement I wanted to show to create the illusion of movement. I have done this by drawing little by little movements so that when you flick it, it gives the illusion that it is moving. 

On my video, I have animated it by taking photos of every drawing. To do this i had to set up the camera so it would stay in the same place for every photo I took. I found it helpful to start at the beginning of the flip book and then work my way back to the end. Next I combined my images by using IMovie on a mac. I uploaded my images and then decreased the frame rate to 0.2 seconds per frame. It gave it a faster flow, meaning it created the illusion of movement to eye. 

From doing this, i have realised that it will need to be a lot smoother to create a more realistic movement to it. I would do this by creating more pages so there is little movement between each page. Another way I could improve this is by increasing the frame rate to be even faster to give it more of a fluid feel. Also by placing the camera on a tri-pod it would of made it more stable, which means it wouldn't of been so jerky. If i was to do it again, I would also add colour to make it more appealing to the viewer.

However on the other hand, I think this technique is good because it is simple to do and it creates the illusion of movement, which is the aim of stop motion animation.  

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